Cosmic Identity
Lord its Thee that I've seen with these eyes lovingly,
Life of this universe, You are everything to me.
I'm awake from my sleep and it's You that I see
In the water or on land lingers Your memory . . . . . . .
Many flowers I string on this path of bhakti
Behold in this garland smiles the Lord handsomely.
With this garland what to do? Someone please tell me!
I see Your form there and here also, Hari . . . . . . . . . .
I put oil in my lamp and light the wick fondly
And there in the wick, Your eyes twinkle divinely.
So now who can tell me how to offer fire to Thee?
You light up the whole world and fill all entirely. . . . . .
Once I looked in the mirror and say Your face clearly
Then I knew that we do not live separately.
So now who do I worship? Someone tell me quickly!
My Lord "Kripalu" we have merged completely. . . . .
Brahmeshwara Aarti transliterated
Do not get Diverted from the Lord
Forever Kindle the Flame of Faith
I will even die for You, my Lord
The Highest Spiritual Practice
You are the Doer, Oh Lord, not I
Gujarati calligraphy by Leela
Viniti Muniji spent many days with Leela in 1983 going over each bhajan with word for word translations and then explaining any grey areas. Later after returning to America Leela crafted these bhajans to fit the meaning and melodies.
Poetic English Rendering by Leela Bruner 1984 all rights reserved
If you would like to hear these bhajans in person.
check schedule for satsangas
jagajivananani mane jhankhi thai
maaraan nayanothi, sakhi! ninda sari,
jhabaki jhabaki join jivanane
jeni jalarthalamaan rame ramya chhabi . . . . . . .
fulahaara gunthi pekhun pantha, ali!
tyan to haaramaan hasataa janaaya hari,
pachhi thaara chadhaavun kone kahe?
jyaan join tyaan murti khadi ne khadi . . . . . . . .
ghrita purine jyoti jgaahun jari
tyaan to jyotimaan hari saathe aankha mali
pachhi aarati koni ootaarun kahe?
jyaan srishti samasta harithi bhari . . . . . . . . .
maarun mukha men darpane joyun, ali!
tyaare jaanayun hun jivanarupa bani,
pachhi bhakti karun kahe koni? akhi!
e 'Kripaalu' e mujane svarupa kari . . . . . . .