interior-entry page or Schedule or Gifts or Kripalu Bhajans
Please CONTACT LEELA for the address to send your gift or call:
Send Leela to India Jar
The temple psychiatrist says that Leela is the sanest person that he knows. Well you couldn't prove it here! Since 1984 Leela has worked continuously and one pointedly towards creating this temple not only without any compensation for herself but also draining her personal funds to make up the difference when donated funds were not significant enough for materials.
In addition to this Leela spent 5 years in the process of developing the bhajan translations that are including in this website - again with no financial compensation and paying for a few copies to be printed and c.d.'s to be made.
This website alone has taken over 3 months to create - again with no financial compensation. Leela would like to make a trip to India for her own personal enrichment and for inspiration. If you would like to help sponsor this trip please make a donation to the Send Leela to India Jar. Indicate with your check to the temple how much you would like to allocate to this effort.
There is also a Send Steve Kelley to India - one way jar. Again indicate with your check where you would like your funds to apply.